The required courses that must be successfully completed to receive a high school diploma from FreedomProject Academy can be viewed below. Full-time students who earn the required five credits for each high school year they are enrolled with FPA will qualify to receive a diploma from FPA. The minimum requirement for a diploma is 10 credits earned with FPA in the Junior and Senior years.

Students may enroll part-time or full-time in ANY of the academic tracks.

Credits Toward High School Graduation for


* FPA does not accept transfer credits from other schools.

Credits for ENGLISH

General English
English I
English II
English III
English IV

Credits for HISTORY

U.S. History I (1607-1825)
U.S. History II (1826-1928)
U.S. History III (1929-Present)
World History & Humanities

Credits for MATH

General Math
Algebra & Geometry I
Algebra & Geometry II
Advanced Math I
Calculus I
Calculus II
Business Math
Consumer Math

Credits for FOREIGN LANG.

Latin I*, II*, & III
Spanish I, II, & III

Credits for HUMANITIES

Bible and Culture
Formal Logic
Rhetoric, Persuasion, & Or.
Music Theory & Appr. I
Health & Phy. Ed.
Psychology or Adv. Psych.
Creative Writing

Credits for SCIENCE

Physical Science
Forensic Science
Advanced Biology
Marine Biology


Any course not taken for credit in another category.

Credits Toward High School Graduation for


* FPA does not accept transfer credits from other schools.

Credits for ENGLISH

English I
English II
English III
English IV

Credits for HISTORY

U.S. History I (1607-1825)
U.S. History II (1826-1928)
U.S. History III (1929-Present)
World History & Humanities

Credits for MATH

Algebra & Geometry I
Algebra & Geometry II
Advanced Math I
Calculus I
Calculus II

Credits for FINANCE

Advanced Economics

Credits for HUMANITIES

Bible and Culture
Formal Logic
Rhetoric, Persuasion, & Or.
Music Theory & Appr. I
Health & Phy. Ed.
Psychology or Adv. Psych.
Creative Writing

Credits for SCIENCE

Physical Science
Forensic Science
Advanced Biology
Marine Biology

Credits for FOREIGN LANG.

Latin I*, II*, & III
Spanish I, II, & III


Latin: 2 years of Latin required for a diploma. This requirement can be met by taking Latin I and II in the junior high or high school years.

  • 7th and 8th grade students can earn high school credit for Latin I, Latin II, Algebra I, and Physical Science taken in the junior high years. These credits will count toward the 20 required for a diploma. It is possible that students who take the courses listed above as junior high students will not need to take five courses for their junior and/or senior years. Not all students will pursue this path of completing high school credits at the junior high level.

  • Freshmen who are new to FPA must take five courses each year, for all 4 years, and accumulate a total of 20 credits, meeting the required number of credits in each subject area with at least 4 credits in the core areas of English, Math, Science, and History and two credits of Latin (see form).

  • Sophomores who are new to FPA must take five courses each year, for all 3 years, and accumulate a total of 15 credits in the subject areas required as determined by an evaluation of the courses the student completed as a freshman with at least 3 credits in the core areas of English, Math, Science, and History and one credit of Latin. A plan will be laid out (see form).

  • Juniors who are new to FPA must take five courses each year, for 2 years, and accumulate a total of 10 credits in the subject areas required as determined by an evaluation of the courses the student completed as a freshman and sophomore with at least 2 credits in the core areas of English, Math, Science, and History. A plan will be laid out (see form).

  • Seniors who are new to FPA are welcome to enroll in any high school course, but unless they complete 2 years with five courses each year, and have passing grades at FPA, a diploma will not be issued.

All graded material is available in Canvas for students and their parents to access 24/7. When a teacher grades an assignment, quiz, or test, a notification is sent to the student’s newsfeed in Canvas. Teachers have the ability to digitally mark up papers and also attach a recorded video or audio comment to graded material, if they so choose. Students use a unique login to access their accounts and submit work.

Teachers provide student progress reports to parents or guardians every nine weeks throughout the school year. FreedomProject Academy provides report cards at the end of each semester. Students are issued a progress grade at the end of the first semester, and a final grade at the end of year, which is cumulative for all class grades for the full year. Transcripts are available upon request for all completed courses and are also posted at the conclusion of the school year.